Sunday, July 3, 2011

hola madre,
                Well, all is well here, we have 12 people that we are teaching + a few im not counting.. these twelve could technically ALL be baptised in T-3 weeks... the chances are slim to none, but with god on our side.. EVERYTHING is possible,.... so La familia Caro,
1)Carlos, Maria,and Carla; the dad and mom just had their individual walls knocked down this last week and just need to read pray, receive there answer and be baptised... but they dodged church again this week... so we will be teaching more towards baptism and receiving an answer and the commandments and the blessings from keeping them.
2)Ramona, and Dulce ( whos 9); The Mom just needs to stop smoking but the Cigarette has such subconscous power and when it came down to it she couldnt even snap a little twig in half..(cigarette).. but we are still having her slow down ALOT.. down to only two or three a day.. so we are switching attention to the daughter.....
3) Maria palafox, Ariana(9), Alma(8): We just REfound this family they had been taught about a year ago and they need some help.. shes living with a guy that she doesnt love... she is illegal and were 90% sure she gets beaten.. but that she hits back now so he has stopped.... she loves everything that she has learned but the (boyfriend) husband doesnt like her meeting with us.. so we are going to try to talk to him this week... please pray for him to have a soft heart :D...
4)Ruben Rivera: We are going by on tuesday to make baptismal invitations with him... hopefully he chooses a date in the near future... like the 2nd or 9th... he's ready but wants to know more first... lol so we expained that baptism is the door that puts you on the path to knowledge and Eternal life.. (he make doors as a welder).. so i  think that ot him ready..
5)Jose : just needs to come to church and read and pray and know more... lol
6) carina(innactive member) Jesus(her spouse): She wants to come back to church and he kinda wants us to teach him so that he can find out why she believes its true...
7)Ernesto...  if he could except that God has an exclusivity agreement with this church he would already be a member...
8)George: old lonely man ...  just needs to come to chuch three times... but i think that he thinks its true...
recent contacts that want to learn more just pray for their hearts to be softened.. Deni, Olga, and Milagro.
wwell thats about where im at and i need to spout some spanish at dad and my mission president(last week for him.. they switch tomorrow)

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