Elder Logan had to take a 6 month hiatus from his mission August 2011 - March 2012. He reported back to the Tucson, AZ mission at the end of March and will finish out the last 16 months of his mission. Here's his latest update from the mission field:
I LOVE it when i get THREE EMAILS!!!!!!!!!!! its the best :D today was a
Temple Trip so i dont have as much time as usual due to the nearly 6
hours of driving there and back still so much to do today like laundry
and shopping and answering your and mom and DADs letters lol i just hope
to get a few chances to make up for the three wimpy emails im going to
have to write today in the coming year ;p im doing really good im in
south Tucson and im in a three some and i love both of my companions a
ton and one of them is from Equador and is helping throw me back into my
nearly fluent spanish.. the listening part cam back within a week now
im working on the using part but its not very noticable the biggest
problem i have is that i have forgotten the way that the lessons are
outlined so im trying to teach in a different language somiething that i
cant remember the order to in english so im Studying hard and i feel
like before the transfer is over ill be back in FULL swing I LOVE YOU
and I LOVE your emails :D i cant wait till next week already :D
Thanks for sharing Raechel:]